Microsoft Internet Explorer Security Flaw

Microsoft Internet Explorer Security Flaw

A recently exposed security flaw affecting the web browser used by approximately 58% of the world, Microsoft Internet Explorer, has left a substantial amount of the world’s web browsers vulnerable to attack.  Microsoft has confirmed Saturday that it was aware of...
OpenSSL Heartbleed Bug: What You Need to Know

OpenSSL Heartbleed Bug: What You Need to Know

On Tuesday, April 8th, experts announced that they have discovered a new online security vulnerability they are calling the ‘Heartbleed’ bug.  Heartbleed is a very serious coding flaw within OpenSSL, an open source software library used in servers, operating systems,...

Hacker group attacks Federal Reserve

The hacker group Anonymous has struck again, this time targeting the Federal Reserve and obtaining details of approximately 4,000 bank executives, including several in Massachusetts. According to news sources, the attackers got ahold of personal information such as...

Including Printers in Vulnerability Assessment

With the summer behind us and the fall underway, many organizations will be working to finish up security projects for 2011 and begin planning for 2012.  If vulnerability assessment is on the list, we urge them to include printers within the scope of the test.   While...

Hacking for the Masses

Hacking for the masses With sizable hacking groups such as Lulzsec and Anonymous grabbing media headlines, it’s little wonder that the general population has tuned in to learn more about hackers and their modus operandi. But while the folks of Anonymous are marking...