BBO Transport for Dynamics 365 Business Central.
BBO Transport for Dynamics 365 Business Central.
about BBO Transport
Seamlessly move your staffing agency’s financial data from Bullhorn Back Office to Business Central with BBO Transport.
GraVoc has deep integration experience from developing our Bullhorn One Connectors for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics GP, and from over 30 years of servicing the ERP needs of staffing and recruiting firms. However, we understand Bullhorn One is not for every staffing firm, and many companies are perfectly happy and comfortable using their existing Bullhorn Back Office (BBO) to operationally run the business.
Responding to this need, we developed BBO Transport, a quick and reliable integration that seamlessly moves financial data from Bullhorn Back Office to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for supercharged reporting.

leverage the combined strength of Bullhorn Back Office & Dynamics 365 Business Central.
GraVoc’s BBO Transport was designed to move financial data from Bullhorn Back Office, through a flat-file report export, into Microsoft Dynamics Business Central.
We use Business Central to enable staffing and recruiting firms to move more of their ATS data into their general ledger which enhances receivables reporting and collections capabilities.
Business Central’s general ledger isn’t limited to a single Class like QuickBooks. Instead, Business Central offers up to 8 dimensions that we use to capture relevant data from Bullhorn Back Office in our export file which often includes some combination of Revenue Category, Branch, Industry, Placement, Customer, or Department.

BBO Transport moves 4 areas of data, including:

New customers, changes to existing customers.

Billable Charge Invoices
New billable charge Invoices, complete with sales lines, ledger distributions, surcharges, discounts, and sales taxes.

New candidates, changes to existing candidates. (1099-only; would not be needed if all candidates were W2 and paid through payroll.)

Payable Charge Invoices
New payable charge invoices, complete with purchase lines and ledger distributions.

the QuickBooks Challenge for Bullhorn Back Office users.
As an ERP specialist for staffing firms and recruiting agencies, we run into many companies that use Bullhorn Back Office and QuickBooks, but say the integration between the two systems is not ideal.
We’ve talked with CFOs and Controllers of staffing and recruiting firms of all sizes who feel stuck but want to grow. They fully know that QuickBooks is the limiting factor to achieving the financial reporting they need in their hands to get there. They also know there are limitations on Receivables Management and Collections in QuickBooks, making it more difficult to keep up with day-to-day without more sophisticated automation, or a better ERP system.
With all this in mind, we developed BBO Transport to be a quick and reliable integration that seamlessly moves financial data from Bullhorn Back Office to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
your staffing agency needs BBO Transport, if:
You want to move away from QuickBooks.
Growing staffing firms that are dedicated to using Bullhorn Back Office and integrate to and use QuickBooks for the accounting but want to move their receivables and general ledger into the more stable, flexible, and scalable Microsoft Business Central ERP platform.
You are planning a move to Bullhorn One.
Bullhorn customers who use Bullhorn Back Office now but may be planning to move to Bullhorn One at some point in the future. The BBO Transport extension was built to have the same look and feel as our BH Connector for Bullhorn One, so the transition to Bullhorn One is seamless because your employees are already trained, and reports written.
You want more automation from your BBO & Business Central.
Staffing firms that already are using Bullhorn Back Office and Business Central, but need a much more automated way to move data to Business Central.
You want to quickly move data from Business Central to BBO.
Staffing firms that are planning to implement Business Central and don’t know how they are going to get the data from Bullhorn Back Office to Business Central in a quick, reliable way.
BBO Transport enhances financial reporting for staffing firms.
Here are the key reasons to choose BBO Transport for your growing staffing and recruiting agency.
our BBO Transport deployment process:
Create reports.
GraVoc’s implementation team can create the report export(s) for you, or you can have your own team build the report export(s) to fit the templates needed for your specific project. These reports live right inside Bullhorn Back Office.
Run reports & save files.
Each week, users run the Customer/Candidate BBO export report(s), followed by the Billables/Payables export report(s) from Bullhorn Back Office and save the files either locally or to a network folder for safekeeping.
Import process.
Users will then navigate inside Business Central to the BBO Transport page, which provides the actions needed to import, validate, and log the import process.
Review & batch posting.
After importing, a quick review and batch posting in Business Central will fully complete the process.
trusted Microsoft solutions partner.

GraVoc has been a Microsoft Partner for over 30 years. We have invested extensively in the training and certification of our staff, resulting in our status as a Microsoft Solutions Partner. Our experienced team holds over 100 Microsoft certifications, assuring customers that we are both current in our knowledge and training in the core competency requirements of their on-premise and cloud ERP environment.
contact us to schedule a demo.
Looking to see the BBO Transport in action? Contact us today by filling out the form below!
check out our Bullhorn One Connectors for your Microsoft ERP.
GraVoc’s experienced team of ERP specialists has also built a custom, two-way connection that synchronizes and moves data between the Bullhorn One ATS and back-office accounting platforms such as Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics GP. The process seamlessly populates detailed Customer, Candidate, and General Ledger activity, making it easier to manage credit, collections, and receivables reporting.

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