Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

To Our Customers, Employees, Family and Friends,Memorial Day is traditionally the unofficial start of summer, and a day where we reflect on the sacrifices of all those who gave their lives so that we could remain free.  We usually have a parade, a ceremony at the...
GraVoc Turns 20!

GraVoc Turns 20!

March 8th 2014 marks GraVoc Associates’ 20th birthday.  In celebration of this milestone event, we have released a special 20th anniversary logo and are planning a very special event for Fall 2014. Our owner Dave Gravel had this heartfelt message about his...
Buyers and Sellers Beware – New Taxes Are Coming

Buyers and Sellers Beware – New Taxes Are Coming

If you are like most of us, sometimes with all of the political noise coming out of Washington and our own statehouse in Massachusetts, it is hard to follow just what is going on.  I think our lawmakers have finally caught up to this weakness and the result is they...