In this episode of How Do Hackers Do Things, GraVoc Security Consultant, Josh Jenkins, goes into PART 2 of how hackers can steal and clone badges. During this video, Josh will show you how hackers can attempt to steal INDALA Badges using a home-brewed hacking device using the ESP-RFID WiFi module and an off the shelf INDALA badge reader.

This home-brewed device (Called Pettigrew) is a built using commercially available hardware in an unintended way that allows malicious actor to steal and copy a wide array of badges. This type of attack could allow an attacker to physically enter a facility and plant other devices that would allow for further exploitation.

In order to prevent attacks like these from happening, it is important to fully understand your external vulnerability attack surface. This would typically get done through an External Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing. For more information on protecting your business from these types of attacks, visit our External Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing services.

How Do Hackers Do Things Series

If you enjoyed this video, make sure to check out our other How Do Hackers Do things videos for more great security videos and tips! How Do Hackers Do Things focuses on different methods of hacking that cybercriminals use to exploit their victims. Our goal is bring awareness to the vulnerabilities and hacking methods that surround our everyday lives!

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