Every industry in today’s world uses video as a form of marketing. Below is a list of the top 2017 video marketing trends.

Live Streaming

Whether you use Facebook, Youtube or Instagram, the use of live streaming has skyrocketed since 2016. No matter which industry you work in—news channels, realtors, chefs—every industry can find a way to utilize live streaming. By live streaming, there is an interactive element, because now viewers can comment and engage with the person in front of the camera.

Live streaming can give your followers a “behind the scenes” peek into your business or even personal life. Many celebrities have jumped on the bandwagon to keep their followers interested even when their TV show isn’t airing or their band isn’t touring. The best part? It’s so easily accessible. You don’t need fancy equipment—you just need your smartphone, and you have yourself a very powerful marketing tool. Below is an example of a recent Facebook live stream featuring GraVoc’s Brian Gravel. This live stream was for WGBH News as they discussed the drone industry. The audience interacted by asking questions to the panel through Facebook and they had them answered live.

Facebook Live: A Discussion About Drones

Drones were once limited to official military use. These days, everyday people are using them for recreational and commercial purposes, from photography and construction to spying and underwater research. How might you be able to use a drone, and what are the different regulations for different drones? Check out this Facebook Live for answers to those questions and more. WGBH News' Edgar B. Herwick III welcomes a panel of drone experts to our studio at the Boston Public Library, including GraVoc​'s Brain Gravel, Headwall Photonics, Inc.'s Chris Van Veen, and Hydroswarm's Sampriti Bhattacharyya. Be sure to ask your questions in the comments below!

Posted by WGBH News on Monday, April 10, 2017


Have you noticed that many videos, such as commercials and web spots, use the storytelling method in an attempt to receive your business? For years, we have been completely bombarded with advertising in all forms, to the point where it has become ineffective. Marketing has migrated from the “in your face” advertising to telling you a nice story that relates to their product.

Why? There are three reasons. The first is because when we hear a story, we naturally relate to the story and correlate it to our own life, especially if we are emotionally connected. The second is because of the way the cortex of our brain processes the ads. When we hear facts, it activates the Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas of the brain. When we hear a story, however, it activates the motor, sensory, and frontal cortex, leaving us more engaged and better retaining the ad. The third reason storytelling is so effective is science; our brain releases something called dopamine when we feel an emotion. Therefore, ‘facts’ (in this case, the in your face style advertisement) will not stick, but the storytelling ad will be remembered for a long time. Below is a video that we shot and edited for Citizens Inn. Citizens Inn has been working to end homelessness and provide temporary shelter for over 30 years. GraVoc produced a video that tells the success story of Ericka, a former Inn Between resident who was recently placed in permanent housing after an incredible turnaround. The audience learns of her struggles with addiction, recovery, and becoming a parent through storytelling.

360° Cameras

360°video is another hot trend this year with increasing click rates and higher engagement ratings. By sharing these videos, it will make your followers feel like they are there because they are able to move their device around to see every angle. Just like with the live streaming, 360° video is allowing followers to interact in a different way and engage with the subject/product in a new way. For iPhone users, apps like Splash, Fyuse, and Seene will allow you to make 360° videos, and you can publish them both on Youtube and Facebook.Since the 360° video does not use all five senses, it cannot yet be described as real virtual reality, however, as technologies develop virtual reality could become accessible to everyday phone users.

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