GraVoc Associates hosted a successful Meetup session on Tuesday, September 13th regarding Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. After sorting out a few minor technical difficulties, employees within the office and other group members joining remotely were able to participate as Jason Vlacich, GraVoc’s Director of Information Systems, offered a PowerPoint on preparing for AX 2012. He noted that with last week’s official launch of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, now is the time to consider upgrading to the newest solution. Vlacich highlighted the new system requirements for both client and server, and gave an in-depth analysis of the new licensing model Microsoft will be implementing. He also went over some of the new features and demonstrated some of the changes in the user interface and document management. Following these points, Vlacich then outlined what actions can be taken by current AX users to prepare for an upgrade, including replacing old equipment, upgrading to SQL Server 2008, and cleaning up data and inactive users.

Throughout the presentation, other attendees of the meeting asked questions and offered feedback on the topics discussed. Future Meetup sessions will include demonstrations, walkthroughs of the product, and general question and answer sessions for AX users. Vlacich noted that the group does not have to exclusively focus on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and commented that topics can also take older versions of the product into consideration. The next meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 11th at 3:00 PM. Please visit to register for the GraVoc Meetup group and receive information on upcoming meetings and Dynamics AX topics to be discussed.