Did you know October is Cybersecurity Awareness month? Since 2004, October has been the designated month to raise cybersecurity awareness nationally and internationally. This year’s theme is ‘See Yourself in Cyber’ which demonstrates that while cybersecurity may seem like a complex subject, ultimately, it’s really all about the people.

This October, Cybersecurity Awareness month aims to focus on the “people” aspect of cybersecurity and how each person can do their part to stop cybercriminals. This topic is especially important in 2022 as thousands of employees are now working in a hybrid/remote work environment. Cyberattacks such as phishing and social engineering are much more common and it is up to each and every one of us to do our part to mitigate these risks.

Our Information Security team knows first-hand how important it is for employees to remain vigilant and be able to spot an attack or threat. Keeping employees up-to-date on the ever-evolving tactics of cybercriminals will allow organizations to safeguard their most sensitive data as well as discover vulnerabilities before attackers do.

Free Cybersecurity Awareness Month Resource Kit

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a great time to educate yourself and your employees. Not sure where to start?  We’ve got you covered! Our partners at KnowBe4 have put together a Cybersecurity Resource Kit that you can download and share with your employees to help your users make smarter security decisions this month and beyond.

This kit contains resources for both remote and in-person workers, explaining how they can defend against cyber crimes, including:


Access to free resources for you including KnowBe4’s most popular on-demand webinar and whitepaper

Resources to help you plan your activities, including your Cybersecurity Awareness Month Guide and Cybersecurity Awareness Weekly Planner

New featured interactive training module for your users: “2022 Social Engineering Red Flags,” plus 3 additional interactive training modules, all available in multiple languages

Resources to share with your users, including training videos, security docs, tip sheets, security hints and tips newsletters, plus posters and digital signage assets, all available in multiple languages

All assets are printable and available digitally, so they can be delivered to your users no matter where they are working from 

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