Vassallo Published in Commercial Record

Associate Dan Vassallo called attention to an overlooked aspect of security this month when his article “Employees May Be Bank’s Weakest IT Link” appeared in The Commercial Record, a Warren Group publication geared towards the real estate, banking...

GraVoc Info Security: Tradeshows, Podcast

Throughout the month of April, GraVoc’s info security team has had the opportunity to fit four tradeshows into their schedules.  The first week of April, they attended the Annual Meeting for the Credit Union League of Connecticut.  The second week, they traveled...

An Argument for Testing – Two Massive Hacks

Two hacks that have gained the attention of IT professionals worldwide in the last few weeks have been the hack of security giant RSA and the LizaMoon SQL injection hack.  Behind these attacks, the same three areas of weakness were exploited:  External controls on...

Social Engineering: Are There Rules?

A very interesting alert came from the National Credit Union Administration last month regarding a fraudulent letter and accompanying CD.  The letter and CD were sent to an unnamed credit union, indicating they were from the NCUA when in actuality they were not.  An...