Mar 12, 2010 | Company News
The last week has brought some changes to the GraVoc website. The transformation of the GraVoc Software website ( is now complete and much easier to navigate and get information on the software products offered by the company. Some of...
Feb 19, 2010 | Information Security
As the deadline for compliance with the Massachusetts Data Security Law approaches (March 1st is now two weeks away), many businesses are undoubtedly looking at the new burdens that are being thrown at them and wondering if it’s necessary. Perhaps the Massachusetts...
Aug 31, 2009 | Information Security
Last week, the Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation decided to issue a revised version of 201 CMR 17.00, the regulation that outlines and enforces compliance to M.G.L. 93H. Not only did the OCABR delay the effective date for a third time,...
Aug 21, 2009 | Information Security
Earlier this week, the Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulations (OCABR) made the decision to delay the effective date of the Massachusetts Data Protection Law (also known as MGL 93H or 201 CMR 17.00) for the fourth time. Businesses are...
Aug 14, 2009 | Company News
As the summer begins to wind down and many executives and employees return from their well-deserved vacations, just over the horizon lies a great deal of challenges in the fields of information security. Perhaps two of the largest information security-related...
Jul 16, 2009 | Information Security
As the deadline for compliance with the Massachusetts Data Protection Law (MGL 93H & 201 CMR 17.00) rapidly approaches, many companies will be looking for information on what they have to do in order to achieve compliance with the regulations that are more...
Jul 13, 2009 | Information Security
The Massachusetts Data Protection Law, sometimes referred to as Massachusetts General Law 93H & I or 201 CMR 17.00, goes into effect on January 1, 2010, and the general consensus is that the effective date is NOT going to be delayed for a third time. This law...
Mar 4, 2009 | Information Security
The Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation (OCABR) has again pushed back the date at which the new Massachusetts General Law 93-H goes into effect. The new date is January 1, 2010. MGL 93-H is better known as the “Massachusetts Data...
Feb 18, 2009 | Information Security
A hot-button issue in information security right now is “personal identifiable information,” especially as the May 1st deadline for Massachusetts General Law 93-H (also known as the Massachusetts Data Protection Law) approaches. The law states that any...
Dec 5, 2008 | Information Security
Since the introduction of the FACT Act Red Flags Rule in November 2007, our Information Security consultants have been hard at work developing risk assessment tools and solutions to help our clients comply with the regulatory standards and ultimately develop an...