Dropbox for business makes transferring files that much easier with your team.

In today’s working world, not only do files get lost but your employees are also spread out across your business, and trying to keep everyone on the same page can be a task of its own. Dropbox for Business is a single platform that connects files, devices and teams. No matter where you are, you can always access your files.

Backup, Sync, Storage

Dropbox allows users to upload their files to their secure server. Once this file is uploaded you have many options whether you want to edit the document through Dropbox’s integration with Microsoft Office, invite a co-worker to work on the file or if you are simply just uploading the file for storage, Dropbox for Business is an ideal user-friendly cloud that will get your entire office in sync.

300,000 Apps Connected

The power of dropbox can be seen through the number of connected apps associated with Dropbox. DropBox has over 300,000 apps connected to its platform. Some major app intergratins are Microsoft Office, SalesForce, Vimeo, IMB, Dell, Cisco and Slack just to name a few.

The biggest integration would be Microsoft Office. Microsoft office is used by over 1.2 billion people and the integration with dropbox is flawless. Users are able to open documents from dropbox and edit it them either on their computer, phone, or tablet.

Powerful Security Features

Dropbox incorporates powerful security measures as well to make sure that your files are seen by the right people. As the team administrator you get powerful security features that will help monitor account activity, control sharing and protect company data. You will also have access to a remote wipe and 2-step verification.

Dropbox has made working as a team extremely seamless. Get your team synced with Dropbox for business today. GraVoc has partnered with DropBox to give our customers the opportunity to work freely and in sync with their co-workers. For more information about syncing all your files and employees on one platform, please contact a certified GraVoc employee to learn more about Dropbox For business.

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